
Bob Gough has authored many publications while at Carrick Communications, in addition to those at his previous companies and at the European Space Agency.

In addition to the many internal publications and reports produced as either sole or co-author, below is a selection of published work. A number of these have been presented at international conferences.




The Pivot to APAC is Underway... and so is the demand for capacity

R A Gough

Driving Communications On The Move

R A Gough

Ka-Band for Enterprise + Government Customers

R A Gough

Mission Critical Comms in Afghanistan

R A Gough

The Birth of Satellite Communications

R A Gough

Bragging Rights

R A Gough

And The Earth Shook

R A Gough

Goonhilly: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

R A Gough

The Use and Performance Characteristics of the OLYMPUS Satellite

R A Gough

C Kooter

ESA Publication CCE/54989, June 1990

The TDMA Tutor Computer-Based Training Concept

R A Gough

International Journal of Satellite Communications, 1985, Vol. 3, pp. 185-200

The Role and Design of Simulators for Training TDMA Technicians

R A Gough

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Satellite Communications (ICDSC-6), Phoenix, Arizona, September 1983

Design of a High Power Earth Station Transmitter for the Band 7.9 to 8.4 GHz

R A Gough

Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S Conference, Los Angeles, 1980

In-Orbit Measurements of OTS Payload Performance

R A Gough

C D Hughes

Proceedings of the 8th AIAA Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 1980

Factors Influencing the Choice of Pulse-Shaping Filters for the ECS System

R A Gough

R A Harris

ESA SP-120, Dec. 1976, pp. 101-120

Predicting Amplifier Performance for Multicarriers

R A Gough

G Berretta

J Guijarro

Microwave Journal, Vol. 18, No. 7, July 1975 pp. 35-44

Improvements in the Characterisation of High Power Amplifiers in Multicarrier Operation

R A Gough

G Berretta

J T B Musson

ESA Scientific and Technical Review (1976) 2, pp. l03-113

Wide-Band Varactor Tuned Coaxial Oscillators

R A Gough

C D Corbey

R Davies

IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol. MTT24, No. 1, Jan. 1976, pp. 31-39

An Integrated Wideband Varactor-Tuned Gunn Oscillator

R A Gough

B H Newton

IEEE Trans. ED, Vol. ED-20, No. 10, October 1973, pp. 863-865

The Behaviour of a Gunn Oscillator in the Domain-Delayed Mode

R A Gough

R B Smith

International Journal of Electronics, 1972, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 67-80




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