
The services provided to Clients fall into the two broad categories of Management and Technical, though most projects invariably involve a combination of both. Some examples are :

  • Planning and implementing business strategy changes.
  • Business planning for companies in rapidly changing technologies and markets.
  • Contract & commercial negotiations.
  • Proposal preparation or evaluation.
  • Marketing & sales management.
  • Management of major projects.
  • Management of Design, Development and Testing teams for both hardware and software projects.
  • Planning and Design of new communications systems.
  • Satellite communication system design, including spacecraft communication payloads and overall system optimisation.
  • Satellite earth station specification, procurement, installation, commissioning and testing.
  • Satellite earth station trouble-shooting and problem solving.
  • Design and development of specialist earth station systems and equipment.
  • Software system development.

Rather than duplicate the large amount of information about specific projects here, have a look at Bob Gough’s personal website under the Experience menu =>

Depending on the Client’s requirements projects are undertaken either on an “arm’s length” basis, or the company’s consultants form an integral part of the Client’s team, often working on site.

Carrick Communications undertakes large projects, but is equally at home working on small projects. No project is too small – we seek satisfied Clients who can trust us to deliver time after time. If you have any immediate or forthcoming requirements just contact Carrick Communications using the form on the Contact page.