FDMA Systems



Technical Support for the Development of INMARSAT Satellites

Provision of technical support over a two year period to ESA's MARECS Satellite Programme. This later became the INMARSAT first generation space segment. Work included:

Detailed system level design of L-Band and Ku-Band satellite transponders for SCPC-FDMA operation.
Development of new signal processing techniques and computer simulation models for the analysis of SCPC-FDMA transmission via non-linear earth station and satellite power amplifiers, including SSPAs.
Characterisation of SSPAs and TWTAs using pulsed and other measurement techniques.
Simulation and measurement of modulation transfer in non-linear systems.
Investigation of linearisation techniques to improve the intermodulation performance and increase the capacity of SCPC-FDMA systems.
Investigation of the effects of SCPC-FDMA transmission on the design of satellite power supplies for L-Band solid-state high power amplifiers.

Communications Transmission Analysis for the ESA OTS and EUTELSAT ECS Satellite Systems

Analysis, design and optimisation of various systems involving the transmission of different signals via common earth station and/or satellite power amplifiers. For example :

Multiple TV signals.
* TV plus SCPC-FDMA service channels.
* Multiple CW propagation measurement beacons.
* Development of specifications for satellite TWTA development.

Transmission Analysis for SKYNET Earth Station Design

See link here for more information.

Design and Development of VSAT Systems

See link here for more information

INMARSAT Aeronautical Service Skyphone Modem

Involvement in the initial development and pre-production prototypes of the INMARSAT Aeronautical Service ground-based modems (for the BT Skyphone service).

Design and Development of a Coded 8-phase Modem

See link here for more information.


Involvement in an INTELSAT study on the use of amplitude-companded SSB to replace FM in SCPC systems.



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