News : 2024 ICSSC & Ka Conference, Seattle

Dear Colleagues and Participants,
We are delighted to announce that the program for our upcoming 29th Ka and 41st ICSSC Conference is now available online. This year’s conference promises to be an exceptional event, featuring a variety of engaging and insightful activities designed to inspire attendees from around the world.

Highlights of the Program:
– Colloquium: on Converging Orbits: Technical and Market Forces Shaping the New Space, Co-Chairs: Rajeev Gopal, Hughes, USA, Glyn Thomas, Airbus, UK, analyses the past, present and future of Space through the lens of new space dynamics (More …)

Keynote: on Cosmic Backbone: How Technology and Collaboration are Unlocking the Future of Space Networks, presented by: Kevin Coggins, Deputy Associate Administrator, NASA, USA.
Plenary Events: plenary sessions led by high-level space agencies and industry experts focused on:

  • Plenary Panel 1: Communications and Navigation for the Expanding Space Economy, chaired by Badri Younes, Space Communications and Navigation consultant, USA.
    (More …)
  • Plenary Panel 2: Commercial SATCOM is Transforming the Space Ecosystem, chaired by Greg Heckler, Commercial Communications Services Division Director, SCaN Program, NASA, USA. (More …)
  • Plenary Panel 3: The New Face of the Satellite Industry – 2024, chaired by Chris Hoeber, CFH Engineering, USA.
    (More …)

Invited Speech: delivered by Prof Barry Evans, University of Surrey, UK, who will share his expertise and insights on the latest advancements and trends in The Role of Satellites and NTN from 5G to 6G. 

Technical Sessions: Participate in in-depth more than 15 technical sessions covering a wide range of topics, where leading researchers and professionals will present their cutting-edge work.

Social Events: Network and unwind with fellow participants during our social events, including a Welcome Cocktail and a Conference Dinner, designed to foster collaboration and community.

We are confident that this conference will provide valuable opportunities for learning, networking, and professional growth.

Accessing the Program:
To view the full conference program and detailed schedule, please visit our website

For more information on how to submit a paper to Ka and Broadband Conference and/or ICSSC Conference visit the Conference website.
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The Organizing Committee hopes you will attend and enjoy the upcoming 2024 Conference!

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